
Ricky Stoddart

Celebrating Our 10th Anniversary

11 March 2021 marks 10 years of Koi Wholesale. In that time we've come a long way and are proud to be the UK's leading wholesale suppliers of Quality Japanese Koi.
Ricky Stoddart

Using Bactoplus Fresh PSB for Clear Pond Water

I choose not to use many additives and do not advocate the use of many products – I think there’s a lot on the market that is not really necessary for keeping Koi, providing that you have a good routine and technique. However, Bactoplus Fresh PSB is one of few the products that I always have to hand.

Exciting New Lineage Coming to Koi Wholesale

We’ve excited to have secured delivery of a large batch of new lineage tosai from Taniguchi Koi Farm.
Ricky Stoddart

Readers Questions - Tips for Treating Ich / White Spot

As part of our Readers Question Time feature I was recently asked "What is the best way to treat Ich at this time of year in an unheated pond?" Read on to find out more about medicating this nasty parasite that can quickly cause deaths in your Koi pond.
Ricky Stoddart

The Difficulties of Predicting How Koi Will Grow

Identifying young koi with a potential for future growth is a subject that i'm hugely passionate about and approximately 10 years ago Fujio Oomo from NND shared his thoughts with me on that very topic.