
Ricky Stoddart

Flash Back Friday – Memories Of My First Trip to Japan

In 2002 at the age of 12 I was lucky enough to take my first trip to Japan. These are just a few of the pictures taken and people that I met.
Ricky Stoddart

Readers Questions - What Is The Best Advice You’ve Been Given By A Japanese Koi Breeder?

In this blog I tell you why I think successful koi keeping boils down to just one word. Read on to find out what that word is!
Ricky Stoddart

Welcoming Our Newest Team Member

I'm pleased to welcome our new Fish House Assistant, Aaron Cunningham.

Flash Back Friday - An Interview With Hisato Nogami

Back in 2009 Ricky interviewed renound breeder Hisato Nogami from Nogami Koi Farm, known for its specialism in varieties of Kohaku and Showa. In this Flash Back Friday blog we re-look at that interview word for word, in full detail.
Ricky Stoddart

The Top Five Tips For New Koi Hobbyists

Are you a new koi hobbyist? Check out our top tips to get the most from your koi.