
Take Part In Our Charity Auction!

At 6.30pm on Wednesday 26 July we're holding one of our live auctions, but this one has a twist!

Not only will we be auctioning a selection of our Koi, we've also got a very special selection of other Koi-related items that you cannot get your hands on anywhere else. All items will be kept a surprise until the big night!

All funds raised will be donated to Cancer Research UK, a cause that is so vitally important, and one that has touched everyone at some point in their lives.

Watch And Take Part

The auction will be broadcast LIVE on the Koi Wholesale YouTube Channel, click this link to watch and take part!

Live Auction Link:

Auction Wins And Donations

All auction payments will be made via our Just Giving page so the funds go directly to Cancer Research UK - if you're the lucky winner of one of the auction lots please make sure you leave your name with the payment so we can track who has paid for their auction win.

Any other donations towards this important cause are also greatly appreciated.

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